Russ Steele
Some readers may not remember the Jimmy Carter Malaise Speech, in which he never actually used the word, but it became the label that characterized his Presidency. At least it did for all of old enough to remember the Jimmy Carter years of malaise. Now an unnamed adviser may have given us an indelible label for the Obama Presidency - "leading for behind". Ryan Liza writes in the New Yorker:
Obama may be moving toward something resembling a doctrine. One of his advisers described the President’s actions in Libya as “leading from behind.”
The Polipundit has the details and the fallout here. Being a Charles Krauthammer fan, here is what he had to say:
Leading from behind is not leading. It is abdicating. It is also an oxymoron. Yet a sympathetic journalist, channeling an Obama adviser, elevates it to a doctrine. The president is no doubt flattered. The rest of us are merely stunned.
One year for fathers day my daughters gave me this t-shirt. It often comes to mind when listening to our President on TV try to explain how he is NOT leading the country, while we all recognize the path we are on can only lead to pain and misery for us all. We hunger for leadership and respond to those on the right who speak their mind, and demonstrate some real leadership skills. While we may not recognize malaise, we all recognize the lack of leadership.
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