Russ Steele
The local left is once again all a twitter about the possibility that those evil capitalist and job creators, are raping the land by mining for gold, ignoring the fact that Mother Nature put those precious metals there for humans to find and use. More details here.
The left always wants to know what Congressman McClintock and State Assemblyman Logue are doing to create jobs in Nevada County. However, when these two leaders support gold mining, which creates jobs, the left starts damning these leaders for supporting mining.
Consider this from Gold Pan of California:
Tom McClintock (R-CA) is mad as hell and wants Governor Brown's assistance to squash 2 paragraphs of impending legislation which, if enacted, will kill the California suction gold mining industry.
In a terse written communication yesterday to Governor Brown, McClintock stated "Destroying 4,000 jobs when California is suffering from 11.9 percent unemployment is simply insane."
McClintock is referring to a bogus $1.8 million "budget deficit" which was supplied by anti-mining foes in order to provide a "cut" to the budget of the Department of Fish and Game, who oversees the suction dredge gold mining program. Although erroneous, passage of the language will close the industry forever in California.
Consider this from a local lefty blog on the Idaho Maryland Mine summer PR campaign.
I wonder if this is one of the “facts” you might hear: “The project has strong public support,” according to the mine’s website. “The City of Grass Valley completed an independent survey where 72 percent of residents supported the project, 16 percent were undecided and 12 percent opposed it.”
It’s going to be a tough row to hoe coming to the “truth” about the proposed project with unqualified statements like that. I wonder if “truth serum” is handed out at the booth. No counter argument or facts, just casting doubt on the facts presented.
And, then there is this: Dan Logue and Tea Party are teaming up to support gold mining at the 16 to 1 Mine in an upcoming meeting on June 29th, Esterly Hall, 336 Crown Point Plaza, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Guest Speakers;
Assemblyman Dan Logue
Third Assembly District, Mike Miller, President
Original 16 to One Mine
The Original 16 to One Mine in Alleghany is about an hours drive from Nevada City, and is the last operating gold mine in Northern California. It was incorporated 1911 and has been in operation since 1896.
Several weeks ago, I got a call from Mike Miller, President of the Original 16 to One Mine asking if we could help him with some serious problems he was having with our State government. The California Regional Water Control Board has been suing the mine over the quality of the water that the mine releases and runs into the nearby Kanaka River. This suit has been going on for at least ten years. Mike has reams of documents that show that his water is as clean as any water in Kanaka Creek and beyond. But, government agencies, run by bureaucrats, just keep forcing the mine to spend money on lawsuits that they cannot afford. They are now down to 3 employees instead of the 15 that they need. This is part of a story about government overreach and the power they exert on us and our economy.
After I called Assemblyman Dan Logue, he immediately called Mike to discuss the problem. Then he had a meeting with Mike in Sacramento so they could discuss how to proceed. Assemblyman Logue has taken up the 16 to One Mine issue, and he will tell us what he and his staff are trying to do to help his constituents.
You can read the rest here You can speak to Dan Logue about his views on gold mining at the Tea Party Meeting above.
If you would like to share your views on gold mining with Congressman McClintock he is having a Town Hall Meeting in South County on June 30th, from 6:00-8:00pm, at the Higgins Lions Community Center. For more information contact 916-786-5560.
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