This is a labor of love, I write because I like to write. My political philosophy is conservative. I am a social scientist with a systems engineering background and have difficult time with sticky gray issues mired in feel good rhetoric.
I hope that readers who come here can take away some knowledge, idea, or thoughts they can use. I encourage comments that contribute to the discussion. While I prefer those who comment to use their real name in a post, I will accept a pen name if your real name is know to me. However, your comments carry more weight when signed. All those who comment must provide a real e-mail address. If you use a fake e-mail your post will be sniped. Please do not engage in personal attacks. You can challenge ideas without attacking the person.
Please refrain from physical threats of any kind, they just waste bandwidth and bore most readers. Readers are welcome to challenge ideas intellectually, but please leave out the physical threats. I will start snipping comments that I think cross the line.
To reduce the comment chatter, I will be removing comments that are not relevant to the subject of the post. References to my family, including my wife, children and grandchildren will not be tolerated and will be removed, with a warning to the author. Continued abuse, will result in banishment from commenting on this blog.
If your would like to discuss this policy, or want to comment with out attribution just e-mail me at rwsteele(at)