Dough Hoffman at the Resilient Earth has the details: Climate Alarmists Attack iPad & Cloud Computing
The current hot buzzword in Information Technology (IT) circles is “cloud computing,” the concept of a shared grid of computer resources, made available to a wide range of consumers in an on-demand, self-service and pay-as-you-go fashion. Even those not immersed in the arcane details of IT are aware of the latest must have techno-doodad from Apple Computer—the iPad. Proving that they can find a dark cloud to go with any silver lining, the perennial eco-pessimists from Greenpeace have declared that the combination of iPads and cloud computing are going to greatly accelerate mankind's march to a planet frying future.I was going to wait until Apple introduced iPad V2.0 before buying may latest techno-toy, but now that Greenpeace is against me having an iPad I may reconsider and buy one ASAP.
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